What Are You Playing This Weekend? (13th April)

What Are You Playing This Weekend? (13th April)

Ollie Reynolds, Staff Writer

I’m still playing my lovely Metroidvanias, and I actually picked up Blasphemous 2 last weekend, so I’m currently working my way through that one. Otherwise, I’ve got a few things on this weekend (building a new bed for starters), so I’m not quite sure how much gaming I’ll get done. We’ll see!

Jim Norman, Staff Writer

I have my brother coming to stay for the weekend and, as has become something of a tradition, I’ve already got the Wii U wired up with Nintendo Land ready to go — ‘Mario Chase’ is one of Nintendo’s best party games and I will hear nothing against it. There’s also likely to be a smattering of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Nintendo Switch Sports because come on, we’re not animals.

Oh, if I get the chance though, I will definitely be putting a bit more time into Pokémon Trading Card Game on NSO. Out of nowhere, I have fallen back into a Pokémon cards hole so I figured why not learn the rules before I climb back out? I’ll tell you something, that game’s a gem.

Gonçalo Lopes, Contributor

I’ve got a few good games on my eShop backlog including Pepper Grinder so I will hopefully manage to tackle them this weekend. Fights in Tight Spaces arrived yesterday so I hope I can get this John Wick simulator a spin while still continuing my world-conquering ambition in Unicorn Overlord. However some unexpected commission duties I will be spending the majority of whatever free time I can get playing, recording, editing gameplay videos for run ’n’ gun games for reasons you will discover down the line. Dream jobs do exist gang!

Games of the week are Earth Defense Force 2, Earth Defense Force 3, Earth Defense Force 4.1 for Nintendo Switch and Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain on Steam with my discord mates. Yeah, I got a bug problem but nothing an orbital satellite laser rain can’t fix.

Alana Hagues, Deputy Editor

Somehow, I’ve beaten Dark Souls — that’s two Soulsborne games down, DLC included. I loved it. It’s obtuse and obscure in some frustrating ways, and some of the bosses are a liiiittle stupid (looking at you, Bed of Chaos — good lord), but what a world. When it clicked, it really clicked, and I’ll definitely be continuing my Souls adventures in the near future.

But I have work stuff coming up soon and a move, so for now, I’m just going to be sticking with Stardew Valley and maybe joining Ollie by playing Blasphemous 2. I want to grab Botany Manor, Pepper Grinder, and Snufkin, but now is not the time. Life, eh?

That’s what we have planned for the weekend, but what about you? Fill in the following poll with the game that you will be maining over the next few days and then slide into the comments to let us know what other titles are on the cards.
