
Tomorrow we’ll be getting a brand new Nintendo Direct Mini: Partner Showcase focused entirely on third-party games for the Switch.
That’s right, don’t get your hopes up for any Mario Kart or Zelda news, as instead, we’ll have 25 glorious minutes of upcoming releases from other developers. So not really that mini then! Proceedings will kick off at 6am PDT / 9am EDT / 2pm BST / 3pm CET.
So what might be on the docket? Well, what about those Persona 3 Portable, 4 Golden, and 5 Royal ports on Xbox and PlayStation? We’re feeling a bit left out here with our Switches, but this Direct might be the perfect time to remedy that and give us a Last Surprise.
Bandai Namco’s irresistibly adorable Klonoa returns in Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series next month, and after a demo released in Japan last week, a new trailer and a demo drop feel all too appropriate. And perhaps Capcom will give us a final look at Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. But there are lots of other third-party projects we haven’t heard from in a while. Two indies that we haven’t heard from in a little bit — Sports Story and Outer Wilds (which will be a port) — have been radio silent for a long time. Metal Slug Tactics has also been a little quiet since last August. And what about that rumoured Batman Arkham Collection?
Or maybe Square Enix can deliver us lots of big surprises. Can we dream big and think about those Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters coming to Switch? Or even hope that the leaked Tactics Ogre: Reborn is Switch-bound?
We’ve aired our thoughts, now it’s time for you to share yours! Are you happy with a Partner Direct or disappointed in the lack of a main one this Not-E3 season? And, just as importantly, what do you think we’ll be seeing tomorrow, and what do you hope to see? Vote in our polls below, and make sure you let us know what you said in the comments!