Watch: Live A Live's Demo Is Worth Checking Out (And So Is The Game)

Watch: Live A Live’s Demo Is Worth Checking Out (And So Is The Game)


Back in a Nintendo Direct earlier this year, Square Enix revealed that they were remaking the little-known 1994 SNES RPG Live A Live, in their trademark HD-2D style. Not a lot of people watching the Nintendo Direct knew what it was, and although many of us were curious about the game, it seemed a little out of the blue.

And so, we brought together three people to discuss the game, after having played the demo (available now): Zion Grassl, our video star and fan of obscure JRPGs; Kevin Kenson, of Kevin Kenson Gaming, who also loves obscure JRPGs; and Kate Gray (hello!), who doesn’t know much about obscure JRPGs, but has played Chrono Trigger. And the Live A Live demo, of course.

We sat down to discuss the intrigue of a seven-character RPG, the incredible innovation that Live A Live introduced in the early ’90s, and the disappointing sales that led to the game flying under the radar. Our verdict on the game? You’ll just have to watch the video to find out, won’t you?

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