Video: Can Our Video Team Guess These Nintendo Accessories Blindfolded?

Video: Can Our Video Team Guess These Nintendo Accessories Blindfolded?

Earlier this year, Team Hookshot (Nintendo Life, Push Square, Pure Xbox, and Time Extension) all got together for an annual gathering filled with laughs, snacks, and sheer lunacy.

To make the most of the event, our lovely video producer Zion decided to challenge Alex and Felix to a wee game of “Guess the Nintendo Accessory”, in which our competitors are blindfolded and required to fondle a number of first-party Nintendo accessories in order to guess what they are.

Naturally, the game starts off relatively simply, but it’s not long until Alex and Felix are positively perplexed at some of the goodies on display. It’s worth checking out if you’re after some lighthearted entertainment, and if nothing else, you get to witness Alex and Felix perform an acapella version of Banjo-Kazooie’s main theme, so there’s that.

Would you have guessed these accessories blindfolded? Let us know how you think you’d get on with a comment down below.