
We don’t know about you, but we find it fantastic that we live in a world where having a disability doesn’t mean you can’t truly excel – and in HanDcapableSean‘s case, it’s playing brutally difficult video games really well using his chin.
Sean’s focus is retro gaming, and he’s completed some seriously difficult titles – in many cases without losing a life – such as Actraiser 2, Castlevania, Castlevania 3, Zelda 2, Contra, Ninja Gaiden, Super Mario Bros: Lost Levels and the entire Donkey Kong Country Series, amongst others. More recently, Sean managed to finish Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on the NES without dying once. Using his chin!
Using a specially-adapted controller and software which allows him to remap controller inputs (not totally dissimilar to the Hori Flex controller), Sean’s quest to finish insanely hard video games can be followed on Twitch. We’d highly recommend you give his channel a watch and show your support, because this guy’s talents are downright incredible.