If you thought the Wii U was dead, think again! Although the platform has been completely abandoned in terms of first-party and major-third party support, there are indie developers out there keeping its legacy alive.
Following on from the launch of the 2D platform ‘Captain U‘ last December, there’s another title arriving “later this year” in 2022. Silver Falls White Inside Its Umbra is a horror game – originally revealed by Sungrand Studios last September – that will include Wii Balance Board support as an optional controller for movement.
The developer Jerrel Dulay has now shared a “first look” gameplay reveal, which you can view in Sungrand’s video above.
According to the creator, they aren’t able to offer physical copies, but it will be an eShop exclusive in PAL regions. And if you were wondering, Nintendo is still apparently accepting new game submissions, and the eShop is remaining open in the foreseeable future so that people can continue to download games.
This title is part of a larger series of Silver Falls games with some titles already available on various other platforms, like the Nintendo Switch and 3DS.
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