
The contents of this week’s Nintendo Direct are no longer a mystery. However, you might be wondering just how many people decided to tune in to the Direct to find out what we would be seeing on the Nintendo Switch in the coming months.
Well, Streams Charts has the answer to that. Streams Charts says that the Nintendo Direct was streamed on nearly 200 channels for a peak viewership of 2,100,000. On average, the Direct saw a viewership of 1,500,000. A total of 2,000,000 hours were watched due to the Direct, with 83% of it coming from YouTube.
It isn’t surprising either, but the top 3 channels for broadcasting the Direct, in terms of Hours Watched and Peak Audience, were Nintendo themselves. They streamed the Direct in English, Spanish and Japanese. Streams Charts says that “the Japanese-language broadcasts of the showcase outperformed the English-language ones in each of the viewership indicators”.