An analyst is predicting that Nintendo will skip the Switch Pro & release a next-gen console in 2024

Switch menu mockups have been discovered

Attention is gradually shifting to the successor of the Nintendo Switch, but that doesn’t mean that the Switch itself is losing interest. There’s still a lot of interest in regards to the origins of Nintendo‘s hybrid console, and there’s still a lot we don’t know about it, even though the console is now nearly 7 years old.

Well, a piece of that puzzle has been found. Twitter user PaulFelixKelly recently posted some images discovered on a “prototype Switch Nand” that show early Nintendo Switch menu mockups. PaulFelixKelly said that “they seem to come from early in development as the ‘Switchboard’ Menu style was already set in stone mostly in 2016. So it is assumed that these pictures come from a point before then”. You can see their tweet, as well as a gallery of the images, down below.