Surprise! System Shock Is The Latest Pinball M & FX DLC Table

Surprise! System Shock Is The Latest Pinball M & FX DLC Table

Zen Studios has teamed up with retro specialists Nightdive Studios to bring us an unexpected collaboration — System Shock Pinball. This is the latest DLC table for Pinball FX and Pinball M on the Switch eShop, and it’s available today.

The M version will give you the complete gory experience, while the FX table is a little more age-appropriate. Regardless of which version you’re grabbing, the DLC will cost you USD $5.49 / GBP £4.99 on the Switch eShop.

The table will allow you to return to the iconic Citadel Station to face off against the AI SHODAN, System Shock’s iconic antagonist. It fully embraces all of the hallmarks of System Shock and arrives after Nightdive’s remaster of the classic first-person adventure from 2023.

The System Shock Pinball DLC is available for Pinball M and Pinball FX right now. Will you be hitting the backbox of Citadel Station? Flip into the comments.