Surprise! Sports Story Finally Swings Onto Switch Today

Surprise! Sports Story Finally Swings Onto Switch Today


Sports Story
Image: Sidebar Games

Well folks, it’s certainly been a long time coming but we are pleased to see that Sports Story (the much-anticipated sequel to 2017’s Golf Story) is now available on the Switch eShop!

The announcement came as a part of today’s Inside the House of Indies event – which has been revealing upcoming Switch titles and shadow drops for the past five days. As the final day of the showcase, we were keeping our fingers crossed that Sports Story might finally see the light of day, and here we are.

If you still aren’t completely sold on the game, today’s presentation also brought with it some more footage of what we can expect to find in the new RPG sports title. You can find this trailer, hot off the press, in the following tweet from @NintendoEurope:

The game was first teased at last month’s Indie World presentation, making it clear that it would be coming in December. Without a firm date, we were starting to get worried that the title was going to be pushed back again but it looks like Sidebar Games finally pulled through.

Today’s showcase also gave us a closer look at Sea Of Stars amongst other titles. For a reminder of all the latest news, check out our full coverage below.
