Super Bomberman R Online

Super Bomberman R Online has been treated to another update, giving players the chance to check out a new character and a brand new map.

Let’s kick things off with the new map. Called Orion Town, this new battle arena offers up a variety of settings and seems to be just as hectic as you’d expect – check it out below.

The new character in question is Goemon Bomber, who you might recognise from Super Bomberman R. Goemon Bomber comes with a skill that lets you place numerous bombs in front of you in a straight line.

Bomberman R
Image: @bomberman573

While we weren’t overly impressed with Super Bomberman R Online when we played it for review at launch, the fact that it’s free-to-play means that it’s certainly worth checking out if you’re a fan of the series.

Do you play the game? As ever, we’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

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