Star Wars Heritage Pack Is Getting A Physical Release, Includes 7 Games (North America)

Star Wars Heritage Pack Is Getting A Physical Release, Includes 7 Games (North America)


Sure, don’t even include Dark Forces or Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II (and its expansion pack, Mysteries of the Sith) in this compilation. After all, they were part of the same series as Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy, and were in fact the games that took place before the events of Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy.

The way I see it, you can’t have those two games without Dark Forces and Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II. After all, they introduced us to Kyle Katarn, the guy who stole the plans for the first Death Star in the Expanded Universe (now known as the Legends Timeline), before Rogue One came out. He also somehow became a Jedi and defeated several Dark Jedi, despite no prior training, basically making him a Mary Sue before Rey from Disney’s Sequel Trilogy was ever accused of being such (yet no one ever gave Kyle Katarn any flak for that).

And while we’re talking about Star Wars games, what about the Rogue Squadron games? Or The Force Unleashed II? And for good measure, what about the original Battlefront games (finally porting them from the PS2 and Xbox platforms to the Switch), or the Star Wars Trilogy Arcade made by Sega (finally porting it to consoles)? Frankly, those would be the Star Wars games that I would care to play.
