We’re in the endgame now. The online servers for Wii U and 3DS are set to be taken down next week on 8th April and so we enter a phase of ‘lasts’. Players have managed to crack the last legitimate level in Super Mario Maker, the last battles will be taking place in Pokémon Sun and Moon and, now, we know what the last stage rotation is going to look like for the OG Splatoon.
Thanks to Twitter’s @OatmealDome, we can now see the final online stages for Nintendo’s Wii U squid shooter. As of 10pm UTC on 8th April, Bluefin Depot and Moray Towers will be rounding out the game’s last Turf War battles, and Ranked Battles will be going out with a Rainmaker contest in both Walleye Warehouse and Kelp Dome.
For those wondering, Nintendo sends out a month’s worth of Splatoon 1 stage rotations to Wii Us at the start of the month, which is how users like OatmealDome can see what’s in the pipeline days in advance. Interestingly, the April 2024 rotations go all the way up to the end of the month, but, obviously, none will be accessible (let alone playable) after 8th April.