
Super Nintendo World is now open to the public at Universal Studios Hollywood and doubtlessly it will be a must see attraction for those who live in the area. At the moment Super Nintendo World is themed around the iconic Super Mario Bros franchise, but in the future Nintendo will be adding other attractions based on popular characters in Nintendo’s long history. Mr. Miyamoto has hinted in a recent interview that the next Nintendo IP to come to Super Nintendo World could be the Splatoon series which has proved to be hugely popular with Nintendo fans worldwide since its release on the Wii U system.
It’s called Super Nintendo World, but it has a very Mario theme. It follows a lot of the same characters that exists in the Mario universe. Can you talk about how you landed on that decision of “We want to have a Mario-centered theme”?
Miyamoto: As you said, it is Super Nintendo World, and there was discussion about adding other IP in there like, say, Splatoon. But instead of having our focus scattered, we thought it would be best to start with something focused and make sure something that’s quality and good. And so that’s where we ended up starting with Mario. However, because of that backdrop, if you notice you might be able to find some other IP sprinkled in the world. So I encourage you to take a look.