Nintendos handling legacy content has been one of the few aspects about the switch era that ive not been a fan of, it feels like pretty much everything has some kind of caveat, such as mario 3d all stars getting delisted from the eshop as some kind of marketing gimmick, the same thing with fire emblem which was an even worse case since that was the only official way to play in English and iirc didnt have a physical version.
There’s also the nes, snes, n64 etc content being tied to a service with no actual way to buy and keep the games.
While sonic origins had its issues (mainly at launch) i did enjoy having retro engine versions of the original games and hopefully there are further fixes to go along with the release of the + version (also hoping for knuckles chaotix, that game was weird, flawed but charming and had some beautiful visuals and a killer soundtrack)
I’m really happy with the remasters and retro collections we have been seeing over the past few years and would have loved to have seen Nintendo themselves get on board with that kind of thing since they have a very rich legacy.
(also rare replay would be a pipe dream, or even a Banjo collection with the HD versions of 1 and tooie and even something like gruntys revenge)
EDIT:damn thats a big rant.