Shadows Of The Damned: Hella Remastered Confirmed For Switch

Shadows Of The Damned: Hella Remastered Confirmed For Switch

Grasshopper Manufacturer has confirmed that Shadows of the Damned: Hella Remastered will be making its way to the Switch in 2024.

As covered by Gematsu, the game is now currently playable for attandees at PAX West in Seattle. For the uninitiated, the original game launched back in 2011 and was written by Suda51, known best for his work on titles like No More Heroes and Killer7. It was also produced by Resident Evil veteran Shinji Mikami.

It tells the tale of Garcia Hotspur, a Mexican demon hunter who must save his girlfriend Paula from the clutches of the evil Lord of Demons. Although EA has originally published the game on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, it does not have any involvement in the Hella Remastered release for Switch.

Here’s a look at the key features:

– A Hot-blooded, Hellishly Twisted, Feverishly Filthy, Love and Hate Filled Road Trip – Join the crass Garcia Hotspur and his boney buddy, Johnson, as they traverse the depths of the Underworld to steal back Garcia’s kidnapped lover, Paula, from the clutches of Fleming, the Lord of the Underworld. Let the soul of rock ‘n’ roll run loose in the heart of the twisted hellscape that is the Underworld.
– Make It Through Fiendishly Funky Dungeons With the Powers of Light and Dark – The powers of light and dark pave your path forward. Like ravers in a nightclub, demons are emboldened by the dark, but grow weak when exposed to the light. Use your buddy Johnson to blast your way through the darkness of the Underworld.
– A Cult Classic Born From the Most Creative Minds in the Industry – A third-person shooter crafted by industry legends Goichi Suda (No More Heroes, Killer7, etc.) and Shinji Mikami (Resident Evil, God Hand, etc.).

We’ll hopefully receive more details on Shadows of the Damned: Hella Remastered, including its release date and price, in the coming weeks and months. For now, let’s rejoice that such an interesting and underappreciated game is getting a second chance!

What do you make of this remaster so far? Will you be picking it up on Switch? Let us know.