Random: Sakurai Showcases Some Of Nintendo's Oldest Character Art In Latest Video

Random: Sakurai Showcases Some Of Nintendo’s Oldest Character Art In Latest Video

Masahiro Sakurai’s YouTube channel has long been a one-stop shop for all things gaming history. Be it showcasing his awesome collection or putting his retro gaming skills to the test, you know that the legendary game designer will have some throwback knowledge up his sleeve. His latest video, ‘Game & Watch Designs [Grab Bag]’ is no exception.

As its title suggests, this video is all about the designs for the original Game & Watch sprites, specifically, the ones that Sakurai was provided with when he was bringing the device’s iconic character to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

In his introduction, Sakurai notes that he had to get “extremely special” permission from Nintendo to show off these designs, most of which have never seen the light of day before. Lucky us, eh?

And if you’re thinking that the video is a whistle-stop tour of the art, appearing onscreen for a fraction of a second and shown at difficult angles, think again! Most of this four-minute video is dedicated to showcasing the art in all its glory, close-ups and all. We’d highly recommend giving it a watch if you haven’t already since it provides a fascinating look into some of Nintendo’s earliest video game work — if you like your game history, this is a must-watch!
