Random: Latest Fan-Made 'Banjo-Threeie' Trailer Very Nearly Had Us Going

Random: Latest Fan-Made ‘Banjo-Threeie’ Trailer Very Nearly Had Us Going

For years decades now, Banjo-Kazooie fans have been clamouring for a new entry in the dormant platforming franchise, and while 2008’s Nuts & Bolts was certainly likeable in its own way, there’s just no escaping that niggling thought in the back of our minds: we need ‘Banjo-Threeie’.

We’re not sure what Microsoft is planning to do with the Banjo-Kazooie franchise (if anything), but YouTube channel Project Dream has given us a rather lovely treat in the form of a fan-made trailer for the hypothetical sequel. It showcases some truly gorgeous visuals (probably more than what the Switch itself is capable of, to be honest) and some intriguing gameplay features that, if real, would surely be a joy to experience.

The team are no strangers to this, however, and have spent a few years now putting up trailers for remastered versions of the current games along with a few completely new ideas. Heck, another Banjo-Threeie trailer was released back in May 2022, and at the time we called it “remarkable, stunning, beautiful, gorgeous”… You get the drift. We’re going to echo those sentiments right now, too.

It’s even garnered the attention of one of the original game’s co-creators, Steve Mayles. He highlighted the trailer over on X and said “Very cool, lots to see, and sounds great too!”.

Of course, we should reiterate that it isn’t real… It isn’t real, folks! We know, it’s disappointing, but the ball is completely in Microsoft’s court regarding a true sequel. There have been whispers that the franchise might be getting revived over the last few years, but we’re honestly not going to hold our breath.

What if, though… What if.
