
Back in the day, before Nintendo Direct became a thing, Nintendo was often known for its memorable appearances at events such as Space World and E3.
Some are well known for their meme potential (“My body is ready!”) while others are famous for their sheer lunacy (hello Wii Music), but there are some that have become lost to the relentless passage of time that we believe shouldn’t be forgotten. One such event is was E3 2000, during which Nintendo had promoted The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask for the N64.
While the sequel to Ocarina of Time had been a known entity before the year 2000, it wouldn’t launch until April of that year in Japan, followed by US and European releases in October and November respectively. So it makes sense for Nintendo to utilise the big stage at E3 to showcase its upcoming title to Western audiences. Now, Twitter user @HyruleJournals has compiled a short (very short) group of images and footage from the event itself.
Pretty weird stuff, right? We’ve seen Shigeru Miyamoto wield the Master Sword and even take the form of a ruddy puppet, but to see him dress up as a cult member is jarring, to say the least.
Still, it’s all in good fun, and it certainly seems the right approach given how utterly weird Majora’s Mask turned out to be. It’s a shame this event has largely fallen out of sight and mind for many, but hopefully this short snippet with provide at least a moment of amusement.