Random: Fan Made Resident Evil 4 DEmake Brings Heaps Of Nostalgia

Random: Fan Made Resident Evil 4 DEmake Brings Heaps Of Nostalgia


Image: Capcom

Last month, the internet was set alight with the news that Capcom’s iconic Resident Evil 4 would be receiving the remake treatment (after a few leaks, mind!) with the stunning RE Engine. That particular game isn’t coming to Switch sadly (though we’ll remain optimistic for whatever the consoles successor will bring), so unfortunately we won’t be experiencing the likes of Ramon Salazar in glorious next-gen graphics on Nintendo’s system. We’ll keep dreaming though!

One fan on Twitter, however, has gone in the complete opposite direction by commencing work on a Resident Evil 4 “DEmake”, effectively taking the characters and environments from the fourth mainline entry and bringing the visuals in line with Resident Evil 2. Complete with static camera angles and an animated loading screen, the resulting presentation is incredibly convincing! The area in question looks like the underground walkway that directly precedes the first cinematic encounter with Bitores “Big Cheese” Mendez.

If nothing else, it’s making us wish that Capcom would bring the classic trilogy (and Code Veronica) over to the Switch. Just recently, Resident Evil: Directors Cut was added to the PS Plus Premium service, allowing the PS1 classic to be played natively on PS5 consoles. If they can have it, why can’t we, Capcom?!

Read More: Soapbox: How Resident Evil 4 Taught Me To Stop Hoarding And Love The Grenades

You can, of course, play the original Resident Evil 4 on the Switch with lovely HD graphics and all the extra expansions included, but as pointed out by the lovely Alex in the below video, this particular version is missing something quite crucial.

What do you think of the RE4 DEmake? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

