
6,000 posters and 4,000 leaflets featuring the characters from The Great Ace Attorney have been printed in Japan in an attempt to combat “cannabis abuse”, Capcom announced today.
The partnership between Capcom and the government has been going on since 2009, and has been aimed towards “crime prevention enlightenment” as well as “economic promotion, cultural enlightenment… and election voting enlightenment”. This is the first time that Ace Attorney characters have been used in these campaigns.

The poster, which reads “Hold it! Marijuana steals your future!”, lists the penalties received for possession and distribution of the drug, says Japanese games news site Automaton. Japan is notoriously tough on cannabis use, and it is still illegal for both recreational and medical use under the Cannabis Control Law. Possession of cannabis can result in up to seven years imprisonment, while cultivation and importation of the drug can mean up to ten years in prison alongside a 3 million yen fine (£20,000 / $26,500).

The Ace Attorney anti-drug campaign will run in Osaka, similar to Monster Hunter and Street Fighter anti-crime campaigns elsewhere in Japan.