Ubisoft’s Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown has officially rolled out its second major title update, called ‘Boss Attack’.
This is an entirely free update that allows players to take on new challenges including “Boss Revenge” where you can replay any previously defeated boss on any difficulty. To top it off, there’s also the “Boss Rush” mode, where you can battle all of the game’s bosses in succession in the “ultimate challenge”.
This second mode will also allow you to unlock two new appearances for Sargon. Along with this is a new fast travel option for Mount Qaf.
If you haven’t already tried out Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown on the Nintendo Switch, there’s a free demo you can download from the eShop. There’s more post-launch content coming to the game later this year year as well including Divine Trials and new story DLC.
In our review here on Nintendo Life, we called The Lost Crown a “must play”:
“We knew Ubisoft Montpellier was a pair of safe hands and the team hasn’t let us down, serving up the first must-play of 2024 in a Switch port that absolutely does the business.”