Ah, Super Monkey Ball… Since its debut back in 2001, Sega’s platforming, puzzle-solving, party extravaganza has had its ups and downs over the years, but has nevertheless remained a firm favourite with gamers – particularly those with a certain proclivity for Nintendo consoles.
In fact, Super Monkey Ball has shown up on pretty much every Nintendo platform bar the Wii U (pause for tiny violin) since its inception, making it almost as synonymous with The Big N as franchises like Animal Crossing, Mario Party, and — bizarre as it may be — Sonic the Hedgehog.
With each new entry in the series, however, it’s kind of felt like with every step forward that Sega has managed to achieve, there’s been another step back to follow. The upcoming Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble got us thinking about the series and where this particular ball will land compared to the rest.
So with that in mind, we thought it’s high time we let you fine folks determine which Super Monkey Ball games are the best of the best (on Nintendo consoles). If you’ve taken part in one of our previous ranked-list polls, then you’ll know the drill: simply scroll down and add a rating from 1 – 10 for each title you’ve played. We’ll then publish the results in a future article.
Remember: The full ranking is created from each game’s User Rating and will be subject to real-time change, even after publication. If you’ve previously rated these games in our database, thank you! If not, you can add your score to the game at any time, present or future, and it will still count and influence the order in the article once it’s published.
Rate each Super Monkey Ball game you’ve played:
Click the stars below to rate out of 10 each Super Monkey Ball game you’ve played on Nintendo systems:
Thanks for rating your favourites — and give us a shout if you think there’s anything missing.
We’ll be revealing the results in due course, but remember: much like our platform Top 50s, the list will be fluid, so even if you miss out on voting before the results are revealed, you can still influence the ranking after publication.