
This week marks the 30th anniversary of Contra III: The Alien Wars (or Super Probotector: Alien Rebels) on the SNES in Europe. That’s crazy, right? Despite Konami’s rather lacklustre attempt to revitalise the franchise with Contra: Rogue Corps in 2019, we here at Nintendo Life still have a spot in our hearts for the run ‘n’ gun shooter series.
Starting with the original Contra back in 1986 as a coin-op arcade title, the franchise has since gone on to spawn a sizeable handful of sequels on Nintendo platforms. Since many of these are known by different names in Europe, it can often be a bit tricky to know exactly where to start (although Konami’s own Contra Anniversary Collection for the Switch goes a long way to rectifying this).
So, to help sort the Hard from the Rogue, we’re asking you fine folks to rate your favourite Contra titles below and help us compile a ranking of the top Contra games of all time!
Similar to our other reader-ranked polls, registered NL users can click on the stars below and rate the games out of 10. The resulting ranking, which we’ll publish in due course, is created from those fluid NL User Ratings and is therefore subject to change, even after publication. If you’ve previously rated these games in our database, thank you! If not, you can add your score to the game at any time, present or future, and it will still count and potentially influence the order.
So, grab Bill and Lance and let’s get probotecting contra-ing…
Note. Yes, we’ve included the Anniversary Collection for completeness’ sake — if you’d rather it weren’t there, simply pretend it isn’t and the ranking around it will be in exactly the same order it would be otherwise. Easy!
Also, just so you’re all aware of exactly what you’re rating here, we thought we’d list the games that have different names in Europe for your convenience:
- Contra / Probotector (NES)
- Super C / Probotector II: Return of the Evil Forces (NES)
- Operation C / Probotector (Game Boy)
- Contra III: The Alien Wars / Super Probotector: Alien Rebels (SNES)
- Contra: Hard Corps / Probotector (Sega Genesis)
Rate each Contra game you’ve played:
Click the stars below to rate out of 10 each Contra you’ve played:
Thanks for rating your favourites and give us a shout if you think there’s anything missing.
We’ll be revealing the results soon, but remember: much like our platform Top 50s, the list will be fluid, so even if you miss out on voting before the results are revealed, you can still influence the ranking after publication.
Further reading: