Unfortunately, even though Pokemon Scarlet and Violet have been available on the Nintendo Switch for quite a while now, the new generation of Pokemon games is still dealing with bug issues. Even though the games have gotten some new downloadable content, there has still been some bugs being reported by fans.
That said, a brand new update has been released for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet tonight. Once you update, they should be at version 3.0.1. This update, fortunately, does focus on fixing some bugs.You can see the patch notes in full down below.
Bug Fixes
- If the player used items to level up an Inkay to Lv. 29 or lower, the game would stop responding to button input. This bug has been fixed.
- Some materials needed to craft TM223 (Metal Sound) were previously dropped by a Pokémon that appears in only one version of the game. This issue has been resolved. Shieldon Claws are no longer required to craft TM223 (Metal Sound).
- After players installed the Item Printer in the League Club Room, under certain circumstances players could get stuck between the Item Printer and the wall. This bug has been fixed. Affected players can now get unstuck by speaking to the character next to the Item Printer and selecting “I want to print something!”
- When a Pokémon under the effect of Dragon Cheer was switched out of battle and then reentered that battle, its attacks would still have a heightened chance of landing critical hits. This bug has been fixed.
- Certain moves that Calyrex could learn via TM only while united with Glastrier or Spectrier would remain in Calyrex’s move set even after Calyrex separated from Glastrier or Spectrier. Furthermore, even if those moves were forgotten, Calyrex could then remember those moves without being united with Glastrier or Spectrier. This bug has been fixed.
- Other select bug fixes have been implemented.