Back in April last year, an Indie World presentation went out with a bang – revealing Oxenfree II: Lost Signals for the Nintendo Switch.
Unfortunately, it seems the same title has been delayed again. In an update on social media, developer Night School Studio said it needed some more time to make the game “truly special” and add more localisations.
“We owe it to our amazing community to make Oxenfree II: Lost Signals the best game it can possibly be. Seeing your fan art, reading your excited comments, and connecting with your fuels our ambition to make this our best yet. To make Oxenfree II truly special and add more locazations, we’re moving our release window to 2023.
“Thank you for your patience, support, and understanding. We can’t wait to share the game with you. Stay tuned! Night School Studios.”
Here’s a bit about Oxenfree II via Nintendo’s official website:
“OXENFREE II: Lost Signals is the mind-bending follow-up to the critically-acclaimed narrative adventure game OXENFREE from Night School Studio. Play it as a standalone story or dive deeper by playing the original – it’s up to you. As you play, you’ll shape every step of the story through your choices. How you choose to deal with the supernatural events at hand will forever alter the future.”
How do you feel about this delay? Leave a comment down below.