Nintendo's Official Magazine For Winter 2022 Gets English Digital Release

Nintendo’s Official Magazine For Winter 2022 Gets English Digital Release


Nintendo Magazine Winter 2022
Image: Nintendo Life / Nintendo

We saw the cover of this season’s Nintendo Magazine a few weeks back now – a gorgeous 3D render of a Splatoon 3 Inkling and Smallfry – but with the content only available in Japanese, we had to be content with just looking at the pictures. Fortunately, a digital copy of the mag is now available in English, featuring many excerpts from the Japanese original.

Amongst all of this Nintendo-y goodness is an interview with Deep Cut, an introduction to the Paldea region from Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, tips and tricks for Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope and much more.

Ever wanted to take a look at a day in the life of an Umbra Witch? This issue even has that too! Now that we have an English translation to hand, we can unpack all of this content ourselves while we get cozy in the run up to the Holidays.

The English translation can be found by following the link in the above tweet. Alternatively, you can access the issue from the official Nintendo site.

This year’s Summer issue showed off Kirby as the cover star, with a multi-page spread dedicated to the series’ 30th anniversary. With Splatoon 3 gracing the cover now, we wonder who will be next to take on the mantle in 2023…

Are you excited to give this season’s issue a read? Let us know in the comments!
