
A week ago, you may recall that Nintendo had announced that Golf would be coming to Nintendo Switch Sports via a new update on November 28th. A Japanese commercial for the game had already suggested the update would arrive this month, but it wasn’t until last week that a more specific date was confirmed.
Well, as promised, Nintendo has released the update tonight. Once you update, the game should be at version 1.3.0. As previously mentioned, the update adds Golf as a new playable sport in the game. You can see the full patch notes down below.
- Golf has been added. It can be enjoyed in all modes: Play Globally, Play Locally and Play with Friends.
- We added a Shot Assist mode in Golf to make it easier for beginners to play. To use it, go to Options → User Settings → Other.
- This setting only applies to Play Locally and Play with Friends.
- Please be aware that even if you have Shot Assist mode on, your setting will revert to Normal in Play Globally mode. The Shot Assist option in Golf Settings.
Play with Friends
- Several issues have been fixed to improve the gameplay experience.