Nintendo hasn’t really been doing much with the Switch’s firmware lately. The last few updates, including the version 16.0.0 and 17.0.0 ones, contained very little new additions. In fact, at least a third of the Switch updates that have been released in the past 9 months have been “rebootless” updates.
Well, Nintendo has released a new update just a bit ago. Once you update, the Switch’s firmware should now be at version 18.0.0. Despite the version number, the update doesn’t do a whole lot. Its main thing is an additional Sleep Mode Settings option related to auto-sleeping when playing on the TV. You can see the official patch notes in full down below.
- Added “15 Minutes” as an option for “Auto-sleep when playing on TV” in Sleep Mode Settings.
- Added Korean as a supported language for “Nintendo Switch Parental Controls” introductory video.
- When the console language is set to Korean, the video can be accessed from Settings > Parental Controls.
- General system stability improvements to enhance the user’s experience.