Nintendo has today revealed the Japanese website for Endless Ocean Luminous, containing new details of what we can expect from the diving sim when it makes a splash on Switch on 2nd May.
The Japanese website is (shockingly) in Japanese, though TokyoGameLife has translated the newly revealed features so that we can see what’s in store.
Let’s start with the biggie: you can take selfies with the fish! Okay, that might not be the biggest feature, but it sure is cool. What’s more, it looks like fish (and other underwater creatures) will be appearing by the bucketload as the website reveals that there will be at least 578 different critters for you to discover, snap photos of, and swim alongside.
You’ll be able to choose what fish join you on your swimming journey, starting with a limited school but building up to something much more impressive as your diver rank increases.
The website also outlines diver customisation, online challenges and the ability to share codes so that your friends can explore the same sections of the ocean as you.
The thing that rings loud and clear in these new details, however, is just how much variety has been packed into this ocean. In the new screenshots (some of which can be found below) we get a glimpse at all kinds of underwater terrains including shipwrecks, corals, volcanoes and what looks like lost civilisations. It all sounds rather exciting, doesn’t it?
Endless Ocean: Luminous is set to dive onto Switch next month. You can now pre-order the game from the eShop for £39.99 / €49.99.
What’s your Endless Ocean hype level looking like at the moment? Sink down to the comments and let us know.