It’s already been quite an interesting week on the Nintendo front, and now to add to this, it’s been discovered some new trademarks were recently registered by the video game giant in Australia.
As highlighted by Vooks, trademarks have been registered for the 2015 Wii U title Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush (Kirby and the Rainbow Curse) and 2015 3DS release Fullblox (also known as Stretchmo).
The source notes how the original trademarks for these games “still exist”, so this may not just be a “simple renewal”.
Of course, when it comes to video game trademarks, there is no guarantee the games featured in filings will necessarily be revived. It could just be business as usual for Nintendo, but if we hear any developments, we’ll let you know.
Another surprise discovery this week was a Switch rating for Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition appearing on the ESRB. You can learn more about this in our previous story here on Nintendo Life: