
We might not have got the Holiday-themed Splatfest that we have been dreaming of all year, but Nintendo is making sure to round out 2022 with an inky bang. Announced yesterday, one final Splatoon 3 tournament will take place on 30th December for those in North America.
The tournament is officially organised under the watchful eye of Nintendo and will run from 10am-2pm on the chosen date. It also looks like there will be a whole lotta prizes for those who are successful in their splatting ranging from My Nintendo Gold Points to Splatoon merch (oh, and obviously there will be trophies for the winners).
It is worth noting that the tournament will focus on good old fashioned Turf War battles only. These will take on the usual 4v4 format and team registration is allowed so if you have a squad of supreme splatters already lined up then this is your chance to get involved.
Tournament registration is being handled over on Battlefy to which prospective splatters can now go and sign up for the end-of-year inking. For the moment, it seems that the event is only open to those in the US, Canada and Mexico. Whether a similar competition spreads to more regions in the new year, we’ll just have to wait and see!