
Throughout the lifespan of the Nintendo Switch, there have been a number of “impossible” ports released. We’re talking games like The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt and the new version of DOOM, developed by specialist teams such as Saber Interactive and Panic Button.
One other developer who is also known to work miracles on Nintendo’s hybrid system is Virtuos. Since the arrival of the Switch, it’s helped bring games like Dying Light, L.A. Noire, Dark Souls: Remastered and Bioshock: The Collection to the device. Now, in the latest news, it’s been revealed the same company is behind the NieR:Automata Switch release (originally developed by PlatinumGames).
Square Enix has previously called on Virtuos for a number of other projects like the Tomb Raider series and even some older Final Fantasy games. When NieR:Automata does arrive on the Switch, players can expect the game to run at 30fps in 1080p docked and 720p undocked.
Virtuos has previously mentioned how its Switch ports would keep getting better, and it’s mostly been able to deliver a number of high-quality experiences on the Switch so far. Earlier this year, the company also mentioned how it was excited about a number of Switch projects for Summer and beyond, so we guess NieR:Automata is one of them.
Are you looking forward to getting your hands on NieR:Automata when it arrives on October 6th? How do you feel knowing Virtuos is delivering the Switch version? Leave your thoughts down below.