
Bandai Namco has unleashed a trailer for its upcoming remaster of Digimon World: Next Order which is due for release in just a few months. The game, which sees you partner-up with not just one but two Digimon, will be released on 22nd February on both Nintendo Switch and PC. The original game was developed for the PlayStation Vita in 2016, so it is nice to see the game being updated for current platforms with new quality of life improvements.
“Return to the Digital World to raise powerful Digimon, uncover the secrets of Machinedramon, and build a Digi-metropolis on Floatia. – Train and travel with two Digimon companions at once! Bond with and Digivolve them to save the Digital World. – Meet other visitors of the Digital World and work to overcome a mysterious power that threatens to destroy it. – Build your town on Floatia – recruit new Digimon allies and upgrade buildings to create a thriving home base. Get lost and find yourself once again in the Digital World in Digimon World Next Order on Nintendo Switch and PC, coming February 22, 2023!”