Back in 1999 Nintendo of America held a special Super Smash Bros themed wrestling event in North America which was titled the Super Smash Bros. Slamfest ’99. The official event saw characters from the now acclaimed franchise wrestle it out in front of a live audience in Las Vegas on 24th April, 1999. The event was also filmed and broadcast on the official Nintendo of America website via RealPlayer. Sadly, despite the fact that the Super Smash Bros. Slamfest ’99 was broadcast live back then, there doesn’t seem to be any video footage of Slamfest ’99 available anywhere. Thankfully, the event’s producer, Ed Espinoza, has scanned some of his photos from the event and we have included a few below. Be sure to check out the full set of images here.
“These 31 new photographs were provided courtesy of Ed Espinoza, Slamfest ’99’s producer. They were scanned from his personal collection, and he was gracious enough to offer them to the search team to be shared around. Ed has previously been interviewed by GameXplain to talk about his memories of Slamfest ’99’s production.”
“These photos reveal new details that had never been seen before in the search, such as the performers’ rehearsals, the gameplay stations to preview Smash 64, the surrounding stage area and production equipment, clear images of the referee and announcer, and much more. Very few photographs of the event have surfaced previously, so acquiring a collection this large is substantial news.”
