This is an incredibly odd choice. We have Sonic Colors on Switch and soon Generations. The Adventure games are kind of the last highly-renowned 3D Sonic games that aren’t on modern consoles yet. I’m sure Heroes has its fans just like Unleashed, and I personally liked Sonic Lost World and would happily welcome a Switch port. But these are all objectively more niche games that aren’t revered across the board like Colors, Generations, and Adventure are. Really bizarre. I haven’t played Heroes myself, but I get the impression it’s one of those games where if you don’t have nostalgia from playing it as a child, there’s probably not much of a reason to play it now.
Here’s hoping we get the Adventure games at some point. I’m not sure if they’re for me, but I’d at least like to give the first one in particular a try. The second one seems pretty tedious–the Knuckles levels look frustrating as all heck. But I would still give it a go, and fans of Adventure have waited long enough. I’m sure they’d be happy with even just a direct port instead of a full-on remake. Sega can’t be dumb enough to not know the demand is there. The controls seem pretty jank compared to more modern Sonic titles, so I would prefer a remake that refines Sonic’s movement.