Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings Of Ruin Has Now Shipped Over 1.5 Million Copies

Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings Of Ruin Has Now Shipped Over 1.5 Million Copies


I asked for this game for Christmas, as I really enjoyed my time with the demo despite never really getting into Monster Hunter. I played a couple of demos for mainline Monster Hunter games, and it was a miserable experience, if I’m being honest. It felt like Hyrule Warriors if instead of spending 30 minutes taking down a horde of hundreds of enemies, I was spending 30 minutes to an hour taking down a single baddie. It got very monotonous and boring, and I felt super underpowered. I’m sure it’s better if you have friends to play online with as a squad, but as a solo experience, I think I’d rather be subjected to Chinese water torture. A monster also kept knocking me into a loading zone (Generations, not Rise) which made me want to pull my hair out.

But yeah, I’m eager to get into Monster Hunter Stories 2, but I really haven’t had a chance to touch it. There were just so many games that came out last year, and even more this year, so my backlog is getting pretty thick. It didn’t help that I’ve been having some pretty rough COVID symptoms the past couple weeks and haven’t felt up to doing anything, including playing games. I still haven’t even finished Banjo-Kazooie for the first time, which I expected to have done by now. I also still need to play Shining Pearl which I also got for Christmas as I’ve never played more than a couple hours of any Pokémon game, but now Arceus is out, which people say is amazing. First-world problems, eh?

Whenever I do go back to Monster Hunter Stories 2, I’m tempted to just wipe my demo progress and start all over, as it’s been a while. They really won me over in the same way the demo for Dragon Quest 11 did. I’m not even a big RPG guy, but both those titles really resonated with me. I’m still not sure if I love the combat, but I can at least wrap my head around it unlike the mechanics in the mainline games. The main draw for me, though, is the absolutely gorgeous environments.

I really wish I could just make time stand still for a while so I can get all these games knocked out. Heaven help me when I finally get a job.
