
It’s that time of year when major game publishers (particularly those based in Japan) share their latest financial results. Koei Tecmo is the latest to jump in, and in the process gave updates on sales numbers for a couple of October and November releases on Switch.
First up we have Blue Reflection: Second Light, which arrived on Switch / PS4 / PC. An anime-style JRPG and also a standalone sequel, we enjoyed it a good deal in our review. Its sales up to 31st December are rather modest, with Koei Tecmo reporting that it moved just 120,000 units.
Next up we have Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water (or Project Zero depending on where you are), a re-release / bit of a remaster of a title that previously haunted Wii U; that version was actually published by Nintendo [Updated after previously stating Nintendo owned the IP], but whether through agreement with Nintendo or the expiry of that original agreement Koei Tecmo had the flexibility to port it to pretty much every system this time around. A hugely atmospheric horror game, it hit 340,000 copies sold across all platforms.
These sales only cover a couple of months on the market, and also reflect the fact that they’re relatively niche releases for the publisher.
Also of note Dynasty Warriors 9 Empires has reached 150,000 sales in Japan / Asia. It arrives in Europe and North America on 15th February, and you can grab a demo right now on the eShop.