KarmaZoo Looks Weird As Heck, And It's Out On Switch Next Month

KarmaZoo Looks Weird As Heck, And It’s Out On Switch Next Month


Devolver Digital has announced KarmaZoo for the Switch, a co-op platformer for up to ten players, launching next month on November 14th, 2023.

It boasts some rather lovely pixel-art visuals enhanced with lighting effects and flashes of bold colours, but the true draw here is the co=op gameplay itself. You’ll be matched with randomly selected players online and you’ll need to work together to boost your karma, helping your teammates overcome obstacles or even sacrifice yourself for the greater good.

For a deeper dive into what KarmaZoo is all about, here’s what Devolver had to say:

Together with up to 10 new friends you’ll tackle a series of increasingly challenging levels that adapt to the size of your team, the characters you play as and the perks you pick together. No two runs are quite the same when the players and the game itself are changing.

Stick together, use your character’s strengths, and even sacrifice yourself for the greater good to help your teammates overcome KarmaZoo’s chaotic challenges. Every good thing you do, one way or another, earns you the sweet Karma you’ll use to unlock new characters and abilities for future Loops.

Whether you’re new to games or a seasoned veteran, you’ll find a community reaching for a common goal. Available in 22 languages, featuring cross-platform play between PC and consoles and private lobbies to play exclusively with friends, we invite all of you to the KarmaZoo.

KarmaZoo will launch on the Switch eShop for $9.99.

What do you make of this one? Will you be purchasing it next month? Let us know with a comment in the usual place.

