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Japan: Famitsu readers most wanted games


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The latest Famitsu readers most wanted video games charts are in and Splatoon 3 has overtaken Final Fantasy XVI which reigned high in the charts for many months. Square Enix recently said that the latest Final Fantasy game won’t be arriving until Summer 2023, which is later than many had anticipated. Regardless, Splatoon 3 for the Nintendo Switch family of systems took the majority of votes with 763 compared to 678 votes for Final Fantasy XVI for Sony’s PlayStation 5. All the votes by Famitsu readers were cast between 9th June and 15th June. So without further ado, here’s the top ten most wanted games:

  1. [NSW] Splatoon 3 – 763 votes
  2. [PS5] Final Fantasy XVI – 678 votes
  3. [NSW] Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – 615 votes
  4. [NSW] Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 – 541 votes
  5. [NSW] Bayonetta 3 – 463 votes
  6. [NSW] Live A Live – 451 votes
  7. [NSW] Dragon Quest X Offline – 445 votes
  8. [NSW] Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak – 360 votes
  9. [NSW] Pokemon Scarlet / Violet – 318 votes
  10. [NSW] Ushiro – 233 votes


