Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, the next game in the Final Fantasy 7 Remake project, is going to be releasing tomorrow. There have been lots of interviews from the devs about the game, but a tidbit from a new interview may interest you, especially if you happen to be a fan of The Legend of Zelda.
The interview comes from BAFTA, where game producer Yoshinori Katase talked about his backlog and his passion for games. At one point, Katase talks about Zelda, saying that “I like the whole series. I don’t think I’ve played every single one of the spinoffs and everything, but I definitely play most of them, including the latest, Tears of the Kingdom. I actually got right up into the end of it, but unfortunately my work on Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth got really busy right at that point, and I’ve kind of had it on hold since then”.
Another Nintendo game that Katase mentions is Pikmin 4. He said that “there are still things I haven’t done yet, so I really want to go through and get everything” Katase later said that the Pikmin are his favorite video game characters, explaining that “I like the way that they just die really quickly when they’re on their own, but they can come together as a group and try hard to achieve things”.