Remember the stunning The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX PC port we reported about just the other day? Well, it’s sadly no longer.
Nintendo has issued a takedown notice for the fan-made port, and it has now been removed from its page (thanks to CM30/GamingReinvented!). The HD version of the Game Boy Color version of Link’s Awakening was made by user ‘linksawakeningdxhd’ and added widescreen support, gorgeous HD visuals, and 120fps scrolling.
Now, when heading to the page, the following message shows along with a link to Nintendo’s own message:
“This game’s files have been suspended for copyright (or trademark) claim.”
Nintendo — known for being protective of its IPs and taking down many a fan project in the past, including (famously) AM2R, a remake of Metroid II — issued the takedown notice earlier today, signed ‘Nintendo Legal’.
The notice, which you can read via’s takedown page, requests that the creator should “act expeditiously to remove the download and information page for the infringing game”, as the HD fan creation “infringes and makes unauthorized use of Nintendo’s copyrights in The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening video game”.