We haven’t seen or heard much as of late from Nintendo of America President Doug Bowser as we did with the former Nintendo of America president, the larger-than-life Reggie Fils-Aimé, who thoroughly embraced his role with the public and press. Speaking in a recent interview, it seems Doug is a hardcore gamer who enjoys content on all the current platforms available, such as the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S consoles. He also said that he is currently enjoying all the brilliant content that has been released in this excellent year for gaming, which has seen a number of big releases on all three console formats. However, he thinks that Nintendo’s success lies in the way it approaches game development with the user in mind. Here’s what Mr. Bowser said:
“I play on all the platforms, and I enjoy the content that everyone is creating. We’ve always said at Nintendo: What’s most important to us is not so much what’s inside the machine or the device, but what happens on the screen when you put your hands on the controllers and you start engaging in the gameplay experience. Does it draw you in? Is it immersive? To that point, you can use a variety of different art styles, some with higher fidelity, some with perhaps a different, more cartoonish-type style.”
Nintendo of America president, Doug Bower