Digital Foundry’s latest project has been the recently released Grounded port for the Nintendo Switch and they have come away with mixed feelings. The Switch version of Grounded has severe compromises in the visual department with basically all visual effects pared back from the original on Xbox consoles and you can see these in the comparison video down below. If you haven’t got time for the video, then Reset Era member Jinx has handily provided the following summary:
- Switch significantly cut back visually (1/3 download size, significantly cut back textures and draw in distance), same visual settings across docked and handheld with differing resolutions
- Switch has motion blur, depth of field, lighting shafts, character shadows and all volumetric effects removed entirely
- Switch has heavy pop-in across the whole game and frame rate is a decently solid 30 fps but frame times are all over the place including semi-regular traversal hitches