Digital Foundry Digs Into The Nvidia Chip Rumoured To Power 'Switch 2'

Digital Foundry Digs Into The Nvidia Chip Rumoured To Power ‘Switch 2’

We are looking at a chip that can use DLSS which could be used for upscaling image quality to 1080p and possibly even higher, although, as the video explains, there’s an important output resolution / DLSS cost payoff to consider. There is also potentially “enough bandwidth for full HDMI 2.1 support, assuming Nintendo uses it.”

Digital Foundry’s report also notes that the T239 chip “has the hardware to facilitate ultra-fast loading” — which might point towards some legitimacy in the previous rumour about a closed developer demonstration that saw the hardware running Breath of the Wild at 4K 60fps — though even this is going to be reliant on more details that the experts are yet to find.

For those who are interested in the internal goings-on of Nintendo’s next console, the latest Digital Foundry video has all of the information that you could possibly need — and the corresponding article over on Eurogamer has all the details in written form, too.

Yes, it’s still all rumour talk at the moment, but those rumours are becoming more detailed by the day. Come on, Nintendo, please give us something official soon. Pleaseeee

What do you make of Digital Foundry’s T239 investigation? Can you see the potential of it for the ‘Switch 2’? Let us know in the comments.