
It’s hard to believe that Pokemon GO is now in its sixth year on the market and the iOS and Android game still remains as popular as ever with fans. The Pokemon Company has now announced details for the six year anniversary event for the smartphone game which kicks off at 10am on Wednesday, 6th July. The featured Pokemon for the event is the delightful Charizard, which is #006 in the Pokemon Pokedex. as always there will be special event-themed Field Research and a Battle Weekend taking place. Here’s just some of what to expect for the six year Pokemon GO anniversary event:
- Pokêmon debuts – For the first time, Trainers will be able to encounter the following in Pokémon GO:
- Party Hat Charmeleon*, Party Hat Charizard*, Cake Costume Pikachu
- Trainers will also be able to evolve their Party Hat Charmanders into Party Hat Charmeleon and Party Hat Charizard.
- Wild Encounters – The following Pokémon will appear more frequently in the wild:
- Bulbasaur*, Party Hat Charmander, Squirtle*, Cake Costume Pikachu, Machop*, Ledyba*, Ralts*, Buneary*, Venipede, Chespin, Fennekin, Froakie, Bunnelby*, Litleo*, Pikipek
- If Trainers are lucky: Gabite, Clauncher, Helioptile.
- Raids – The following Pokémon will be appearing in raids:
- One-Star: Cake Costume Pikachu, Dratini*
- Three-Star: Venusaur, Party Hat Charizard*, Blastoise, Tyranitar, Metagross
- Five-Star: Zapdos*
- Mega: Mega Charizard X* (July 6 – 7), Mega Charizard Y* (July 7 – 12).
- Field Research – Trainers who complete Field Research tasks have a chance to encounter the following Pokémon:
- Bulbasaur*, Charmander*, Squirtle*, Chikorita*, Cyndaquil*, Totodile*, Treecko*, Torchic*, Mudkip*, Turtwig*, Chimchar*, Piplup*, Snivy*, Tepig*, Oshawott*, Chespin, Fennekin, Froakie, Rowlet, Litten, Popplio.
- Battle Weekend – In addition, from Saturday, July 9, 2022, at 12:00 a.m. to Sunday, July 10, 2022, at 11:59 p.m. local time, Trainers will be able to enjoy:
- Team GO Rockets balloons will appear every three hours
- Enjoy up to 20 GO Battle League sets each day
- 4× Stardust from GO Battle League Rewards
- Use a Charged TM to help a Shadow Pokémon forget the Charged Attack Frustration
- Battle Team GO Rocket boss Giovanni to rescue Shadow Latios
- Complete Special Research centered around Giovanni to earn a Super Rocket Radar.
*If Trainers are lucky, they might encounter a Shiny Pokémon.
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