Capcom has seen fit to issue a press release detailing that their newly released Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak expansion has already topped 2 million units shipped globally. The game is available right now on Nintendo Switch and PC and can now be purchased as a package that contains Monster Hunter Rise and the Sunbreak expansion or can be purchased separately as DLC if you own the base game on the eShop. Be warned though that you can’t access the expansion until you’ve reached a certain level in the base game and that Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak is Master Rank so the quests are going to be challenging.
“The Monster Hunter series consists of hunting action games that pit players against giant monsters in a beautiful natural environment. Beginning with the first title in 2004, the series established a new genre in which players cooperate to hunt ferocious monsters with their friends and has since grown into a global phenomenon with cumulative sales of the series exceeding 84 million units shipped as of July 5, 2022. Notably, January 2018 release Monster Hunter: World has enjoyed sales growth in the four years since its launch, now holding the Capcom all-time record of 21 million units shipped.
Further, March 2021 release Rise has also surpassed 10 million units shipped globally, which was achieved through a variety of measures including ongoing free updates and the launch of a PC version, as well as with the release of a set that includes Sunbreak.
Sunbreak is a massive premium expansion for Rise. In addition to new quest ranks, locales, monsters and never-before-experienced hunting actions, players can enjoy new story elements for Rise as well. Capcom released a demo version prior to launch, garnering praise and attention for the title, which resulted in shipments of over 2 million units globally.
The company will continue to leverage its digital strategy going forward, aiming to maximize unit sales with ongoing promotions, including the continued release of free additional content and pricing strategies. Capcom remains firmly committed to satisfying the expectations of all users by leveraging its industry-leading game development capabilities.”