
As is traditional for this time of year, Japanese publication Famitsu has been asking prominent developers what their plans and ambitions are for 2022, and one of the people interviewed is Capcom’ s Ryozo Tsujimoto – the man in charge of the company’s prestigious Monster Hunter franchise.
Tsujimoto Is clearly focused on delivering Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, the next DLC offering for the most recent entry in the series, but he adds that there’s a big anniversary coming up soon, and that he will have to devote some of next year to prepare for it:
In 2022, I’d first like to deliver Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, which is scheduled for summer, to everyone in solid shape. And the Monster Hunter series will celebrate its 20th anniversary in 2024, so I should start making preparations for various things soon.
Monster Hunter began life on the PlayStation 2 before spreading its wings to other systems, including the Wii, Wii U, 3DS and – of course – Switch.