Box Art Brawl: Killer7 | Nintendo Life

Box Art Brawl: Killer7 | Nintendo Life


Be sure to cast your votes in the poll below; but first, let’s check out the box art designs themselves.

North America

Killer7 NA
Image: Capcom

North America’s design for Killer7 is pretty slick, featuring the main cast of characters broken up into their own little segments, which appears to be the result of what looks like a bullet hole in a pane of glass. The dark red theme we’ve got going here is extremely effective, and we like the pitch black logo a lot, too. Nice!


Killer7 EU
Image: Capcom

Europe’s design is a lot more understated, but equally effective in our eyes. There’s a sort of ‘Reservoir Dogs’ theme going on with the main characters walking towards the viewer against a striking red background. The character models are also reflected below the logo itself, which is a neat little touch!


Killer7 JP
Image: Capcom

Well, now… this is different! So, Japan’s design for Killer7 – or as it appears to be known in the region, ‘Killer7 Capcom Killer7’ – doesn’t feature any of the characters from the game, but rather focuses on a more abstract pattern with light blues and cream colours making up the composition. It looks really nice, we have to admit, though we’re still a bit baffled as to why the game’s logo is repeated top and bottom. You can also see a sliver of the Capcom logo right at the bottom, so maybe it’s meant to respresent wallpaper..?

Thanks for voting! We’ll see you next time for another round of the Box Art Brawl.
