
Atlus director tells fans to look forward to future Persona news, 5 year plan disrupted by COVID-19


Atlus has been busy preparing for the 25th anniversary of the acclaimed Persona series, though their plan was disrupted somewhat by the COVID-19 pandemic. We have already seen the re-release of Persona Arena Ultimax and Persona 5 Royal is coming to multiple platforms including the Nintendo Switch later this month. Then in January 2023 we will see the release of Persona 4 Golden HD and Persona 3 Portable HD on Switch and other platforms. Persona Team director and producer, Kazuhisa Wada, shared a special message with fans at this weekend’s Persona Super Live P-Sound Wish 2022: Crossing Journeys event in Japan which you can read down below.

“Finally, P5R will be available for the whole world to play on the latest hardware, including PC! P5R is 3 years old now, and P5 is 6 years old, but we are very happy to be able to share the best gaming experience we can with you now. It’s a must-have title for all gamers!”

“It is also with great sadness that we must bring an end to the everlasting momentum of Persona‘s 25th anniversary. With the “Persona Super Live P-Sound Wish 2022: Crossing Journeys” live concert, we would like to conclude it. There are so many things I would like to tell you, but I deeply apologise for not being able to do so on this occasion. I would like to share them with you at the right time, so please look forward to more information about the Persona series in the future.”

Persona Team director and producer, Kazuhisa Wada

